Monday, July 11, 2011

"Top 10 Skin Myths Debunked"

Over the weekend, I found this really helpful article on proper skincare; a topic that seems to have a larger urban legend following then Bigfoot. 

Check out the link above. It is a Marie Claire article that interviews dermatologist to settle this debate with a medical approach once and for all. I agree and have, myself, proved 99% of what they say. 

I am impartial to the myth of the face scrub. While I do agree overuse of face scrubs can make your skin oily, a lot of people, depending on their skin type, benefit from these exfoliations. The longer we let dry skin and oil mix, the sooner the pore will become clogged. I would almost say a weekly exfoliation is certain. Dryer skin can get away with more scrubs while oilier skin can benefit from a weekly scrub.


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