Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Today I will tell you my BIGGEST pet peeve with women and their makeup. Women who do not blend their blush and eye shadows. I cannot begin to tell you girls how bad it actually looks. The 80's are over, save that look for costume parties and professional photo shoots.
The cheeks are my biggest peeve. After gently and lightly applying your blush, one or more coats, then grab the brush you applied your powder with and BLEND. This should knock out any hard lines. If you used a liquid blush or lip stick make sure you are using a small amount and blending will with your fingers or a brush before continuing.
Eyeshadows are on the fence. The reason I say this is because most of the time women unintentionally leave the shadow unblended and it looks a mess. But there are those rare occasions when keeping the colors completely unblended looks nice. But, to make this easier just blend. By blend i do not mean make all the colors look like one muddy mess. Just softly blend the line where two colors meet.
Well hopefully this will help those of you doing this get the most out of your makeup. Good Luck!

Jay Brow

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