Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lips, Lips, Everywhere

Lips, a topic I briefly covered in the past.. Well, today we will go a littler further with it. I will help you ladies achieve different types of lip effects.

Creamy- Apply a thick lip balm to your lips before the application for a creamy effect.

Matte- Apply the lip stick then blot gently (you can also repeat this for longer lasting color).

Sheer- Apply a thin layer of lip balm, the apply a small dab of neutral color on the top and bottom lip then smooth out.

Glossy- Apply your lip colored then top with a clear or matching gloss (remember the more layers of 
             gloss the more shine, so don't be afraid).

These are the four basic effects of lipstick, so instead of having to buy all your shades in different effects you can now use one tube for everything. Later on we will cover lip contouring, another oldie, but goodie!

            smooth it out

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